Continuing the story

Sherman Yeow Min Jie
2 min readOct 2, 2020


Its been a long week of non-stop continuous understanding of finance and economics, especially, in the area of funds. Even though hours were put into it, I feel that after the discussion session, lots of information can be put on the back of my head and put it in the library for later use. Choosing relevant information is not an easy task, it comes with reading experiences. The few information that I chose are relevant, however, upon further discussion and advice from the mentors, I realize that choosing the right information isn’t enough, understanding the points mentioned in the information and understanding the basis behind those points mentioned. From there, clearer and a larger picture will be shown. Furthermore, understanding is not enough, before the session, I thought that by showing information and analysis is enough, regardless of how well the analysis is done. Of course, the analysis must be done in a proper manner which shows a clear direction. But it is not enough, a stand and suggestion have to be concluded if not, a piece of information is practically useless. I will take that into consideration, the next time, I talk.

In the fraud seminar lead by Mr Edward, I was stunned by the sheer volume and probability of fraud happening throughout the system, what I am concerned about will be the security of the project that we are handling, as we are dealing with FinTech, which is incredibly vulnerable to fraud. Furthermore, as the market in Singapore is small, what we will be dealing with is the global market. As explain by Edward and the mentors, laws in different countries are entirely different, when we are dealing with the global market, we will have people who are trying to either win you over or stab you down so that they can take your position. Therefore, when the spectrum of people increases to such an amount, extra care and cautiousness must be taken. Making the session even more crucial to my team and I, to take into consideration when developing the product.

Another issue and point for that I have learnt is that my perspective thinking is still not matured. I will still be blind to bias and succumb to these assumptions, I need to define my word choice even further, quantify and show what really matters, in order to convince, the person that matters the most, the investors. Furthermore, research has to be done more thoroughly and mindfully. The ideasinc program is starting in a few days, I hope that through this program, I am able to learn tools for me to utilize so that I am able to get to the end goal.



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