This week marks the 8th week of the Venture Building Program, even though projects have been progressing and moving forward. We are constantly reminded to fully understand the basic, the fundamental processes and procedures. Building a castle on sand is never a great idea, without a solid and stable foundation, even if there are progress and a magnificent idea, the project that was built on the sand, will never form into a well-established company. Something that is essential in every project or business venture, that something is called customers.
Knowing the Customers are crucial to creating a product that have value. Products without value that customer care about, that solve a pain point of a specific group of target audiences or paying customer, will not be bought by anyone. Even as we were heading towards progression on different projects, the pain point that we extract through examination of existing processes that cause a pain point or hussle to customers. These pointers are what will lead the project to either a failure or launch. Many of the businesses are unable to survive in the market, due to a lack of concentration on the target audience.
As we were consistently reminded of such foundations, it makes me reflect on my ventures to different areas. As progress were made and pages were flipped, we often forgot on the quintessential focus on the ventures we made. I remember the time where I set to to learn a new instrument, yet, as time pass and the level of skills increases, I forgot about the most important element that my teacher taught me previously, Practice. Practice made perfect. The core value of different abilities are often forgotten as these habits become routine.
A constant remainder to myself to never forgot about the core. The core that is essential to the project or any skills that you try to pick up.