An interesting week it has been, there are ups and downs in the week. Friction between colleagues, hearing bad news and breakthrough in project.
Inside this week , appcom was introduced to the participants of venisinc, I think that the lessons has been essential for both my partner and I. I am able to use the knowledge and the process gain from appcom and understand what am I doing in the different stages of the business start up. What most interesting to me, was that the strategies applied in appcom to sell an idea, or to sell a product is actually similar to ancient chinese warfare strategies. The most important part is the interviewing, to know more of your “opponents” the target audiences. This is in line with Sunzi strategy of “知己知彼 百戰百勝”, knowing who are you dealing with, what is their priority, needs, identity, industry, position, company process and who are able to influence the process such as people who are able to make a decision on the product evaluation, whether does the idea fits the need of the company. I think that what I am familiar with from history , such as Sunzi, is being applied to the modern business environment, this is something that elicit joy to me.
The week has have it’s down also. With pressure stacking on colleagues as they are continue to fight against something call unfamiliarity. Some need more time to adapt, some have already adapt to the stress, the pressure, the commitment and the responsibility that comes with it. Fadzil and I , we have the chance to speak with our mentor, Edward for an hour. After the interview that we staged to understand more on our projects direction and needs, we went through and discuss about our journey in this program. We both admit that there are times where we felt that we are stupid, unable to grasp on understanding and knowledge as we wanted it to. Yet, we are still continuing pushing on. This is the most important characteristic that make us different. When we are able to reflect on ourself and tell our self that we are stupid, on the flip side, we identify what we are lacking and thus able to improve on what we lack. Edward mention about a man named David goggins who have a study disability yet it does not stop him from going into navy and fulfilling what he wants. I think that he is a good example of, even though we may be lacking at the moment, yet with sheer determination and effort, we are able to make it to our dreams and goals.
Lastly, I heard some bad news in the recent week, I hope that my colleagues are able to push through and learn as much as possible. I understand that sometimes if you want to wear a crown, you must be able to handle the pressure. However, some feels that this is not an area that is align with their own goals, and this to them might be a better choice.